How to Convert EPS to TIFF using C++

In this topic, we will explore how to convert EPS to TIFF using C++. You will observe how to load the input EPS file and convert it to image in C++ using simple API calls.

Steps to Convert EPS to TIFF using C++

  1. Install Aspose.Page for C++ from NuGet package Manager Tool
  2. Add reference to Aspose::Page namespace
  3. Specify the output ImageFormat and initialize an input stream
  4. Load input EPS file using PsDocument class object
  5. Set ImageSaveOptions properties and save output TIFF file

You can export EPS to TIFF using C++ by using simple API calls with few lines of code. You simply need to load the input EPS file and set different properties as per your requirements, then convert the file with PsDocument class using C++.

Code to Convert EPS to TIFF using C++

Previously, we explored how to extract Microsoft Project file metadata using C++. However, in this topic we have implemented how to generate TIFF from EPS using C++.
