How to Convert AI to PNG in C#

This topic entails, how to convert AI to PNG in C#. This application can be utilized to swiftly save AI as PNG using C# and can be used in any of the .NET Configured environments inside Windows, macOS, or Linux.

Steps to Export AI to PNG in C#

  1. Establish your environment by installing Aspose.PSD for .NET from NuGet to convert AI file to a PNG image
  2. Create an instance of the AiImage class to access the source AI file from the disk
  3. Initialize the PngOptions class object to set the desired output PNG properties
  4. Convert the AI file to a PNG on the disk

By using C# Adobe Illustrator to PNG image conversion applications can be created using the above mentioned stepwise procedure, where the process will initiate by loading the source Adobe Illustrator (AI) file from the disk. Then with the help of the PngOptions class instance, various properties for the desired output PNG image file will be set, which will then be followed by saving the Adobe Illustrator file as a PNG image on the disk using the Save method.

Code to Export AI to PNG in C#

using System;
using Aspose.PSD;
using Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Ai;
using Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Png;
using Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions;
namespace TestPSD
public class AiToPNG
public static void ConvertAiToPng()
String path = @"/Users/Documents/KBase/TestData/";
// Applying product license to convert AI to a PNG image in C#
License AiToPngLic = new License();
AiToPngLic.SetLicense(path + "Conholdate.Total.Product.Family.lic");
using (var aitoPngImage = (AiImage)Image.Load(path + ""))
//Set the output PNG options
PngOptions pngOpts = new PngOptions();
pngOpts.ResolutionSettings = new ResolutionSetting(800, 800);
pngOpts.ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;
pngOpts.BitDepth = 32;
// Save the converted PNG image on the disk
aitoPngImage.Save(path + "PsdConverted.jpg", pngOpts);

The above example code demonstrates the process of converting Adobe Illustrator to PNG using C# whereby the Image.Load() method refers to accessing to access the source AI file from the disk. The PngOptions class instance is used to set the output PNG image options like resolution settings, PNG color type, and bit depth to name a few. After setting the PNG properties, the PNG image will be saved on the disk or inside the MemoryStream.

In this simple topic, we have focused on the process of converting AI to PNG using C# in a step-wise manner. If you want to learn about converting an AI to a PDF file, refer to the article on how to Convert AI to PDF in C#.
