Convert AI to TIFF in C#

In this simple topic, we will cover the details about how to convert AI to TIFF in C# by adhering to the detailed steps to establish the environment and use the example code. The developed application is quite simple and can be used to save AI as TIFF using C# using a simple API interface and can be configured in any of the .NET supported environments inside macOS, Linux, or Windows.

Steps to Convert AI to TIFF in C#

  1. Configure the development environment by installing Aspose.PSD for .NET from NuGet for exporting AI to TIFF
  2. Create an instance of the AiImage class object to open the source ai file from the disk
  3. Use the TiffOptions class object to set the desired TIFF image options
  4. Convert the AI to a TIFF file using the Save method

By following the steps mentioned above in C# AI to TIFF image converter application can be easily developed, whereby the process will start by accessing the source AI file from the disk or a memory stream using Image.Load() method. Then by using the Tiffptions class object, the required properties for the output TIFF image will be set, which will then be followed by converting the AI image to a TIFF image on the disk using the Save method.

Code to Export AI to TIFF in C#

using System;
using Aspose.PSD;
using Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Ai;
using Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Tiff.Enums;
using Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions;
namespace TestPSD
public class AIToTiff
public static void ConvertAiToTiff()
String path = @"/Documents/TestData/";
// Applying product license to convert AI to a TIFF image in C#
new License().SetLicense(path + "Conholdate.Total.Product.Family.lic");
using (var aitoTiffImage = (AiImage)Image.Load(path + ""))
// Set the output Tiff options
TiffOptions tiffOpts = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffLzwCmyk);
tiffOpts.Artist = "Aspose";
tiffOpts.Compression = TiffCompressions.None;
tiffOpts.ImageLength = 800;
tiffOpts.ImageWidth = 600;
// Save the converted TIFF image on the disk
aitoTiffImage.Save(path + "AiConverted.tiff", tiffOpts);

The above example exhibits the mechanism of converting an AI to TIFF using C# by referring to simple API calls. The TiffOptions class instance is used to customize the output TIFF image properties including bits per pixel, image length, image width, image resolution, compression, and adding tags.

In this example, we have focused on converting AI to TIFF using C# using a stepwise procedure. If you want to explore about compressing a PSD file, refer to the article on How to Compress PSD File in C#.
