How to Create Word Document using Python

This quick tutorial guides how to create Word document using Python by providing details to configure the environment and then runnable sample code. In order to generate Word Document Python based API and detailed steps are shared which guide to use of appropriate classes and namespaces for this task. At the end, when a simple Word file is created with some text in it, it is saved on the disk as DOCX.

Steps to Create Word Document with Python

  1. Configure the environment to use Aspose.Words for Python via .NET
  2. Import the necessary namespaces to be used from the Aspose.Words library
  3. Create an empty document using the Document class object
  4. Instantiate the DocumentBuilder object using the above document
  5. Set the desired font name and size
  6. Write the text in the document using DocumentBuilder class object
  7. Save the newly created document having the text in it

These steps describe the environment details and then guide to create objects of different classes to accomplish this task. We need the Document class object because we have to save the resultant Word file on disk using the save function in it. Similarly, to create word document in python we need DocumentBuilder class that can access all the components or elements of the document like e.g. we set font name and size using it and put text using the write function in it.

Code to Generate Word Document from Python

import aspose.words as aw
# Initialize the license to avoid trial version watermark in the output word file
converterAppLicense = aw.License()
# Initialize an empty document class object
doc = aw.Document()
# Create a DocumentBuilder class object using the created document
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# Set the desired font name = "Calibri"
# Set the font size to 32
builder.font.size = 32
# Write the text using the builder object
builder.write("This is sample file created with Python")
# Save the output word file"out.docx")
print ("Done")

In order to Write Word document Python code is used to implement the feature where a Document class object is declared first that has a number of properties and methods to save output documents to stream and file. With the help of the Document and DocumentBuilder class, you can work with sections, ranges, headers and footers, bookmarks, tables, paragraphs, fonts, and styles to name a few.

In this article, we witnessed generating automated Word documents with Python. If you want to convert a Word file to PDF, refer to the article on how to convert Word to PDF using Python.
