How to Split Word File using C#

This quick tutorial guides on how to split Word file using C# by providing the link to the required libraries, a step-by-step process for performing this task, and a runnable sample code demonstrating this feature. You will get detail of all the necessary namespaces, classes, and methods required to split DOCX using C#. Once the file is split, each set of pages can be saved in a separate Word file like DOCX, DOC, or any other MS Word supported file format.

Steps to Split Word Document into Separate Files using C#

  1. Establish the environment to use Aspose.Words for .NET from the NuGet package manager to split documents
  2. Load the source Word document containing multiple pages using the Document class object
  3. Get the number of pages in the source document
  4. Run a loop for the number of pages in the document
  5. In each iteration, extract the desired number of pages from the document using the ExtractPages() method
  6. Save each set of extracted pages as a separate Word file

These steps assist to split Word document using C# with the help of necessary resources and a systematic approach to achieving the target. First, we need to load the source Word file, extract each page of the document and save it as a separate Word file. You will also have the option to modify each newly created document before saving it on the disk.

Code to Split Word File into Multiple Files using C#

using Aspose.Words;
namespace AsposeProjects
class Program
static void Main(string[] args) // Main function to split a Word document in C#
// Load the license
Aspose.Words.License lic = new Aspose.Words.License();
// Load the source document for splitting
Document docSource = new Document("LargeFile.docx");
// Get the total number of pages in the loaded document
int pageCount = docSource.PageCount;
// Iterate through all the pages
for (int page = 0; page < pageCount; page++)
// Extract the desired page(s)
Document desiredPages = docSource.ExtractPages(page, 1);
// Save each set of pages as a separate Word file
desiredPages.Save($"SplittedFile-{page + 1}.docx");

This crisp code demonstrates the process to extract pages from Word document using C# where a loop is executed for each page and that single page is extracted and saved as a separate Word file. However, you may modify the loop to extract multiple pages at once starting from a particular index and save these pages as a separate file. Options are also available to split a Word document based on headings, sections, and page ranges.

We have learned to split Word document into multiple documents using C# If you want to learn other features like adding a table to the Word document, refer to the article on how to create table in Word document using C#.
