How to Password Protect a Word Document in C#

This tutorial describes how to password protect a Word document in C#. It contains the information to establish the environment, detailed steps to understand the programming model, and a runnable sample code to demonstrate the process. You will also learn different options to protect Word document in C# like DOC, DOCX, or any other Word file format.

Steps to Lock Word Document in C#

  1. Establish the environment to use Aspose.Words for protecting the Word file
  2. Create a new Word file using the Document class that is to be protected
  3. Use the Protect() method in the Document class and provide ProtectionType and password
  4. Save the protected Word file

These steps share the complete process for the Word document protection in C# where first the IDE configuration is described and then a new Word file is created however you may load an existing file as well. After loading the Word file into the Document class object, call the Protect() method that requires the ProtectionType and a password. There is another overloaded function also that takes only ProtectionType and uses the existing password if any.

Code to Password Protect Word Document in C#

This code has demonstrated how to protect Word file with password in C# where the protection type AllowOnlyComments is used however you may use other options also like AllowOnlyFormFields, AllowOnlyRevisions, and ReadOnly. Note that options are available to protect the individual sections in the Word file as well thus providing the feature to protect the selected portions of the document only.

This article has taught us to protect Word files using passwords. If you want to learn the process to add a signature in a Word file, refer to the article on how to add signature in Word using C#.
