Extract Text From Word Document in Java

One can Extract Text from Word document in Java by referring to this simple article. It includes the required steps to set up the development environment, step-wise program workflow, and a running example code to convert DOCX to TXT in Java. The developed application can be used in any Java-supported environment in Linux, MS Windows, or macOS.

Steps to develop Word to TXT Converter using Java

  1. Configure the environment by installing Aspose.Words for Java from the repository manager to convert a DOCX file to a TXT file using Java
  2. Open the source Word document by creating an instance of the Document class for Word to TXT file conversion
  3. Create a TxtSaveOptions class object to set the required output TXT file properties
  4. Save the loaded DOCX file as TXT file on the disk using the save method

These precise steps in Java extract Text from Word Document using a simple API interface. First, we will load the source DOCX file from the disk using an instance of the Document class, which is then followed by setting the desired output TXT file export options using an instance of the TxtSaveOptions class. Lastly, the opened Word document is saved as a TXT file on the disk using the save method.

Code to Convert DOCX to TXT in Java

To access the source DOCX from disk and extract Text from Word Document Java based API has been used in the aforementioned code example. One can save a TXT file on the disk without relying on the optional TxtSaveOptions class instance. However, if you want to customize the desired TXT file, you can use different setter methods exposed by the TxtSaveOptions class including setEncoding(), setForcePageBreaks(), setMaxCharactersPerLine(), setParagraphBreak(), and setPrettyFormat() to name a few.

This article has enlightened us to develop a Word to TXT converter using Java. If you are interested in comparing Word documents, refer to the article on Compare Word Documents using Java.
