How to Convert MPP to XPS using C++

In this topic, we will explore how to convert MPP to XPS using C++. XPS is a widely used file format and you can easily export MPP file to XPS in C++ using few API calls with no dependence on MS Project.

Steps to Convert MPP to XPS using C++

  1. Install Aspose.Tasks for C++ using NuGet package Manager tool
  2. Include reference to Aspose::Tasks namespace
  3. Instantiate Project class instance to load the MPP file to save as XPS
  4. Save the MPP file to XPS in C++ using Save method

You can export MPP file to XPS in C++ in few API calls. All you need is to access the MPP file and then save that as XPS in subsequent API call using C++.

Code to Convert MPP to XPS using C++

#pragma once
#include <Project.h>
#include <Task.h>
#include <system/string.h>
#include <system/console.h>
#include <system/environment.h>
#include <system/shared_ptr.h>
#include <system/environment.h>
#include <system/object_ext.h>
#include <system/object.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace Aspose::Tasks;
using namespace Aspose::Tasks::Saving;
using namespace System;
void MPPToXPS()
// Set license to perform MPP to XPS conversion
SharedPtr<License> AsposeTasksLicense = System::MakeObject<License>();
// The path to sour MPP file and directory.
System::String SourceFile = u"SourceMPPFile.mpp";
// Load the source MPP file to export to XPS
SharedPtr<Project> MppToXps = MakeObject<Project>(SourceFile);
// Save the MPP to XPS in C++
MppToXps->Save(u"MPPSavedToXPS.xps", SaveFileFormat::XPS);

Earlier, we learnt how to extract Microsoft Project file metadata in C++. However, in this topic we have focused on MPP to XPS conversion in C++.
