Change Background Color in PowerPoint using Python

This brief tutorial guides how to change background color in PowerPoint using Python. It shares the details of setting the environment for writing the application, a set of steps to write the program, and a sample code showing how to change background color on PowerPoint using Python. You will learn different options to set the background color of various slides and the master slides when required.

Steps to Change Background Color on PowerPoint using Python

  1. Set the IDE for using Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET to set background
  2. Create a new presentation and access the first slide for setting the color
  3. Access the background property in the selected slide
  4. Get the fill_format property and set the fill_type and fill_color
  5. Set background type to OWN_BACKGROUND
  6. Save the output PPT file with the background color

These steps summarize how to change the background color on PowerPoint using Python. Start the process by creating a new presentation file, accessing the first slide and getting the reference to the background property. Set the fill type, fill color, and background type before saving the output file.

Code to Set Background Color for PowerPoint Presentation using Python

import aspose.slides as slides
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
# Load the license
lic = slides.License()
pres = slides.Presentation()
# Set background type, fill type, and color
slide = pres.slides[0]
slide.background.fill_format.fill_type = slides.FillType.SOLID
slide.background.fill_format.solid_fill_color.color =
slide.background.type = slides.BackgroundType.OWN_BACKGROUND
# Save the presentation"output.ppt", slides.export.SaveFormat.PPT)
print("Slide background color set successfully")

This code exhibits how to change the background color on a PowerPoint slide using Python. You may set other properties in the background including effect format, style color, and style index. Iterate through all the slides to set the desired background properties and access the collection of master slides to set the background color and other properties throughout the presentation.

This short guide has taught us how to change background color of all slides in PowerPoint using Python. To create a new presentation refer to the article on how to create PowerPoint presentation using Python.
