How to Edit PDF Document in Python

This short tutorial guides on how to edit PDF document in Python. It has the details to set the development environment to change the PDF, a list of steps to perform different operations on the PDF, and a runnable sample code to develop a basic PDF editor in Python. It introduces various classes and methods to modify the PDF file.

Steps to Edit PDF Document in Python

  1. Set the development environment to use Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET to edit a PDF file
  2. Create a PdfContentEditor class object and bind the target Pdf file with it
  3. Replace some text in the entire file
  4. Replace some other text and change its color and font size
  5. Add some text to the existing PDF file using the PdfFileMend class object
  6. Instantiate a new page and add some text to it using the Document class
  7. Save the output PDF file

The above steps define the process to edit PDF doc in Python. We initiate the process by creating an object of the PdfContentEditor class, followed by binding the target PDF file with it to replace text in the entire file with and without changing the text color and font. Next, we used the PdfFileMend class object to add text on an existing page and finally inserted a new page with some sample text before saving the output PDF file.

Code to Modify PDF File in Python

import aspose.pdf as pdf
# Load License
license = pdf.License()
# Create PdfFileEditor object
editor = pdf.facades.PdfContentEditor()
# Replace some text in the entire file
while True:
if editor.replace_text("scenario","situation") == False:
# Replace some text and change its font and color
textState = pdf.text.TextState()
textState.foreground_color =
textState.font_size = 14
while True:
if editor.replace_text("attack","fight",textState) == False:
# Add text to an existing page
mendor = pdf.facades.PdfFileMend()
message = pdf.facades.FormattedText("Test message on the page")
mendor.add_text(message, 2,60,300)"intermediate.pdf")
# Add a paragraph with some text on a new page
document = pdf.Document("intermediate.pdf")
page = document.pages.add()
page.paragraphs.add(pdf.text.TextFragment("New paragraph is added"))
# Save the output"output.pdf")
print("PDF file edited successfully")

This code demonstrates the task of developing a PDF modifier in Python. In this task, the sample PDF file is loaded and saved as an intermediate file after replacing some text in it followed by loading the intermediate file again for usage by the PdfFileMend object and Document class respectively. There are several classes at your disposal for handling PDF files, including PdfAnnotationEditor, PdfBookmarkEditor, PdfConverter, and PdfExtractor, to name a few.

This short guide has taught us to create PDF editor software in Python. If you want to learn the process of inserting a table, refer to the article on how to insert table in PDF using Python.
