How to Add Attachments to PDF using Python

This quick tutorial describes how to add attachments to PDF using Python. It contains detailed information to set the development environment, a list of tasks to be performed to complete the operation, and a runnable sample code to add attachment in PDF using Python. You will get an introduction to all the classes, methods, and properties that are required to add any kind of attachment or file to a PDF file.

Steps to Add Attachment to PDF using Python

  1. Set the environment to use Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET to add attachments
  2. Load a PDF file using the Document class object to attach a file
  3. Instantiate a FileSpecification object by providing the attachment file name and description
  4. Add the FileSpecification object to the collection of embedded files of the loaded PDF file
  5. Save the output PDF file having an attachment in it

Here a step-by-step description is provided about how to add attachment in PDF using Python. The process is commenced by loading the template PDF file followed by creating a FileSpecification object using the attachment file name and specification. The FileSpecification object is added to the collection of embedded files available with each PDF file by default.

Code to Insert an Image in PDF using Python

import aspose.pdf as pdf
# Load License
license = pdf.License()
# Open document
pdfDocument = pdf.Document("Input.pdf")
# Setup the FileSpecification object
fileSpecification = pdf.FileSpecification("input.png", "Sample Image File")
# Add attachment to the PDF
# Save the document"AddAttachment.pdf")
print("Attachment added successfully in PDF")

This code demonstrates how to insert file in PDF using Python. The FileSpecification object is required to add an attachment in the PDF file that takes the file name and the description. The add() method in the EmbeddedFiles collection is used to add the file along with the string key that can later be used to access, edit or delete the attachment.

This tutorial has guided us to add an image attachment file in the PDF. If you want to learn the process to get images from a PDF file, refer to the article on how to get images from a PDF in Python.
