How to Add PDF Pages in Between using Python

This article provides information on how to add PDF pages in between using Python. You will get detailed steps to set the environment, write the application, and a runnable sample code to add PDF page to another PDF using Python. This process will be accomplished with a couple of lines of code without installing any other third-party tool or software.

Steps to Insert PDF into PDF using Python

  1. Set the development environment to use Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET to insert pages
  2. Instantiate the PdfFileEditor object to manipulate the PDF pages
  3. Call the insert() method and provide the names of two source PDF files and one output PDF file along with the configuration of the pages

These steps summarize the process to insert PDF page into PDF using Python. In the first step, instantiate a PdfFileEditor class object that contains rich features to work with PDF files. In the next step, the insert() method is called that requires the PDF file name where pages are to be added, the index of the PDF after which pages are to be added, the name of the PDF file from which pages are to be copied along with the starting and ending page, and finally the output PDF file name where the resultant PDF file is to be saved.

Code to Add PDF Page in PDF File using Python

This code demonstrates the process to add pages from PDF using Python. The PdfFileEditor class contains rich features to concatenate two complete PDF files, append pages to an existing PDF file, delete pages from a PDF file, extract pages from a PDF file, and Split PDF files to name a few. The insert() method has multiple variants that can be used to insert pages from a PDF file into a PDF file as well as insert pages from a PDF stream into another PDF stream.

This article has taught us to add PDF page to PDF file using Python. If you want to learn the process to merge complete PDF files, refer to the article on how to merge PDF using Python.
