How to Convert OneNote to Word using C#

This how-to topic guides on how to convert OneNote to Word using C#. It shares the details to configure the environment for adding Aspose.Note and Aspose.Words for executing the sample code, a brief list of programming tasks, and a runnable sample code for developing a basic OneNote to Word converter using C#. You will also learn different options to customize the loading and saving operations during the transformation of files from one type to another one.

Steps to Convert OneNote to DOC using C#

  1. Set the IDE to use Aspose.Note for .NET and Aspose.Words for .NET to convert OneNote to Word
  2. Load the source .ONE file into the Document class from Aspose.Note namespace
  3. Save the loaded .ONE file as an intermediate HTML file on the disk
  4. Load the saved HTML file into the Document object in Aspose.Words namespace
  5. Save the loaded document as .DOC file using the Save() method in Aspose.Words.Document class

The aforementioned steps describe the process of exporting OneNote to Word using C#. The process is quite simple as it commences from loading the source .ONE file into the Document class of Aspose.Note followed by saving it as an intermediate HTML file. In the later step, this HTML file is loaded into the Document class of Aspose.Words library and saved in the desired .DOC format on the disk.

Code to Transform the OneNote to Word using C#

class Program
static void Main(string[] args) // Convert .ONE file to DOC in C#
// Set PDF license
new Aspose.Note.License().SetLicense("Aspose.Total.lic");
new Aspose.Words.License().SetLicense("Aspose.Total.lic");
Aspose.Note.Document doc = new Aspose.Note.Document("Aspose.One");
doc.Save("output.html", Aspose.Note.SaveFormat.Html);
Aspose.Words.Document document = new Aspose.Words.Document("output.html");
document.Save("output.doc", Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Doc);

This code sample demonstrates the task of OneNote export to Word using C#. While saving the source .ONE file as HTML, you may set the fonts subsystem, page count that is to be saved from the source .ONE file, a starting page index, and a desired output format. Similarly, once the intermediate HTML file is loaded into the Document class, you may use all the methods and properties available in Aspose.Words.Document class.

This article has taught us to convert a One Note to Word using C#. If you want to learn the process to convert .ONE to PDF, refer to the article on how to convert ONE file to PDF in C#.
