Using ActiveX Controls in Excel with Python

This short guide assists in using ActiveX controls in Excel with Python. It has the details to set the development environment, a list of steps to develop the application, and a sample code to add the ActiveX command button using Python. You don’t need to install any other third-party tool to use this feature.

Steps to Add ActiveX Controls in Excel using Python

  1. Set the IDE to use Aspose.Cells for Python via Java to add ActiveX controls
  2. Create a Workbook, access the default sheet, and access the shapes collection
  3. Call the addActiveXControl() method to add button control
  4. Pass the control type as a command button, position, and size
  5. Set the linked cell for this button control
  6. Save the output Excel file with the new ActiveX control

These steps describe how to use ActiveX controls in Excel using Python. Create an Excel file with the Workbook class, access the default sheet, and get the reference to the shapes collection in the selected sheet. Invoke the addActiveXControl() method using the ControlType.COMMAND_BUTTON enumerator, position of the control, offset from the destination cell, and size of the control.

Code to Add Active X Controls in Excel using Python

import jpype
import asposecells as cells
from asposecells.api import License, Workbook, ControlType, SaveFormat
# Instantiate a license
license = License()
# Create workbook object and add a command button
wb = Workbook()
sheet = wb.getWorksheets().get(0)
# Add a Button
button = sheet.getShapes().addActiveXControl(ControlType.COMMAND_BUTTON, 3, 0, 3, 0, 90, 25)
# Access the ActiveX control for setting its properties
buttonControl = button.getActiveXControl()
# Save the output"AddActiveXControls_out.xlsx", SaveFormat.XLSX)
print("ActiveX control added successfully")
# Shutdown the JVM

This code demonstrates the usage of the command button Active X in Excel using Python. The ActiveX class has numerous properties and methods that you can use to customize your ActiveX control. You can set the foreground color, background color, and flag to auto-size the control and manage the transparency, visibility, and mouse icon.

This article has guided us on using the ActiveX controls. For drawing graphical shapes on the sheet, refer to the article on Draw line in Excel with Python.
