Draw Line in Excel with Python

This short tutorial explains how to draw line in Excel with Python. It has the details to set the IDE, a list of steps, and a sample code showing how to draw a line in Excel with Python and various other shapes. It will make you understand the process of drawing a line with custom settings to meet your needs.

Steps to Draw Line in Excel Sheet with Python

  1. Set the IDE to draw a line using Aspose.Cells for Python via Java
  2. Create an Excel file or load an existing file using the workbook class
  3. Get access to a sheet where you want to draw a line shape
  4. Access the Shapes collection of the sheet and call the addLine() method to draw a line
  5. Save the Excel file with the new line shape in it

The above steps clarify how do you draw a line in Excel with Python. Commence the process by creating an Excel file, accessing a sheet, and using the drawing method addLine(). Pass the arguments defining the starting cell, offset from the upper left corner of the destination cell, and coordinates of the other end of the line in pixels.

Code to Draw a Line on Excel with Python

This sample code demonstrates how to make a line diagram in Excel with Python. You can draw line with other methods AddAutoShape() with AutoShapeType.Line, and AddShape() method with MsoDrawingType.Line as an argument. Add various shapes using the AutoShapeType enumerator, including rectangles, ovals, trapezoids, hexagons, and octagons.

This article has taught us to draw lines and other shapes. To insert an image, refer to the article on how to insert image in Excel using Python.
