This crisp tutorial describes how to unhide all sheets in Excel using Python. It contains all the details to establish the environment, a detailed description of the steps to be performed to create this application, and a runnable sample code to show hidden sheets in Excel using Python. You will also learn how to customize this process by unhiding the selected sheets only and then saving the resultant workbook as a separate XLSX, XLS, ODS, or in any other supported format.
Steps to Unhide All Sheets using Python
- Configure the environment to add Aspose.Cells for Python via Java to show the hidden sheets
- Load the source Excel file with a few hidden sheets in it using the Workbook class object
- Use the Unprotect() method with or without a password for the protected workbooks
- Iterate through all the worksheets in the workbook to detect the hidden sheets
- Set the visible flag of each such sheet to true
- Save the updated workbook on the disk with all the visible sheets
These steps explain the process to unhide multiple sheets in Excel using Python by sharing the link to the resource for environment settings, introducing the necessary classes, methods, and properties that are involved in the process, and the programming logic to achieve the functionality. It also shows the saving of the output Excel file in the desired format.
Code to Unhide Spreadsheet using Python
The above code demonstrates the process to unhide sheet using Python such that all the sheets in a workbook are iterated and hidden sheets are detected using the isVisible() method and once the hidden sheet is found, its flag is set to True. You may use other constructors of the Workbook class to control the loading of the source workbook by using the LoadOptions class object. Similarly, you may check other properties of each worksheet also before setting its visibility flag to true like the worksheet code name, the custom properties, if the worksheet is selected when the workbook is open, and the name of the worksheet.
This tutorial has guided us to show all or selected hidden sheets in a workbook. If you want to learn the process to convert an Excel file to HTML, refer to the article on how to convert Excel to HTML using Python.