Wrap Text in Excel using Node.js

This guide assists to wrap text in Excel using Node.js. It provides information to set the development environment, a step-by-step set of instructions followed by a sample code demonstrating how to wrap around text in Excel using Node.js. You will get an introduction to the methods for wrapping text in an entire row or column.

Steps to Apply Wrap Text in Excel using Node.js

  1. Set the IDE to use AAspose.Cells for Node.js via Java for wrapping text in sheet
  2. Generate a workbook and access the target sheet for filling in sample text
  3. Get the style of a cell and use the setTextWrapped(true) method for setting the flag
  4. Set the style of the cell using the same style object where the flag is set
  5. Call the autoFitRows() to adjust the size of cells by wrapping the text
  6. Save the resultant workbook having text with wrapping

These steps describe the process of auto wrap text in Excel using Node.js. In this process, create a workbook, access a worksheet, and fill some text in a few cells followed by accessing the style of a cell whose text wrapping is required. In the final steps, update the style by setting the text wrap property to true and then setting it back to the cell before calling the autoFitRows() method that wraps the text.

Code to Apply Text Wrapping in Excel using Node.js

This code depicts how to do word wrap in Excel using Node.js. The autoFitRows() method adjusts the size of rows according to the contents in the cells whose text wrap flag is set to true. You may try the same logic to auto-wrap text in a complete row or column using the style property of a particular row or column instead of individual cells.

This article has shown us how to automatically wrap text in Excel using Node.js. For adjusting the column width to a specific value, refer to the article on how to adjust column width in Excel using Node.js.
