This short tutorial guides on how to adjust column width in Excel using Node.js. It provides the IDE configuration instructions, the programming logic in the form of steps, and a runnable sample code to resize columns in Excel using Node.js. You will also learn the process to set the width of columns based on their contents.
Steps to Change Width of Column in Excel using Node.js
- Set the development environment to use Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java to change the column width
- Load a workbook and access the cells collection from a sheet in it
- Set the width of a particular column
- Set the width of a single column based on the content in it
- Set the width of multiple columns based on the contents in them
- Save the output
The steps explain the process of how to change the width of a column in Excel using Node.js. The process is initiated by loading a workbook and accessing the cells collection of the target sheet for changing the column width. In the final steps, call the appropriate method to set the width of one or more columns based on your requirements.
Code to Change Cell Size in Excel using Node.js
var aspose = aspose || {}; | |
aspose.cells = require("aspose.cells"); | |
//Set the license | |
new aspose.cells.License().setLicense("License.lic"); | |
// Load a workbook | |
var wb = new aspose.cells.Workbook("sample.xlsx"); | |
// Access the second sheet | |
var sheet = wb.getWorksheets().get(1); | |
// Access the cells collection | |
var cells = sheet.getCells(); | |
// Set the second column's width | |
cells.setColumnWidth(1, 30.0); | |
// Set the third column width | |
sheet.autoFitColumn(2); | |
// Set width for a range of columns | |
sheet.autoFitColumns(3,5); | |
// Save the output | |"output.xlsx"); | |
console.log("Columns width set successfully"); |
This code sample demonstrates how to change cell size in Excel using Node.js. The setColumnWidth(), autoFitColumn(), and autoFitColumns() are used with different arguments to set the width of a particular column, auto-setting the particular column’s width, and auto-setting the width of multiple columns respectively based on their contents. You may also try using setColumnWidthInch() for setting the width of a column in inches, and use setColumnWidthPixel() to set the width of a column in pixels.
This topic has guided us on how to adjust cell size in Excel using Node.js. If you want to learn to merge cells, refer to the article on how to merge cells in Excel using Nodejs.