Track Precedents and Dependents in Excel using Node.js

This article assists in tracking the precedents and dependents in Excel using Node.js. It has the details to set the development environment for the application, a list of steps depicting the process, and a sample code to trace all the Excel dependent cells using Node.js for a particular precedent cell or vice versa. You will learn to fetch all the details about the precedent cell areas and the list of dependent cells.

Steps to Identify Excel Cell Reference using Node.js

  1. Set the environment use Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java to track dependents and precedents
  2. Create an Excel file using the Workbook class, access the sheet, and fill cells with sample data and formula
  3. Get the collection of precedents of the dependent cells using the Cell.getPrecedents() method
  4. Parse through all the cell areas and display the relevant information
  5. Get the list of the dependent cells from a precedent cell
  6. Display the details of each cell

These steps describe the process of tracking the Excel formula reference using Node.js. Create or load an Excel file using the Workbook class object, get the collection of cells from the target sheet, set some sample data in a few cells if required, and set a formula referring to other cells in the Workbook. Finally, access the precedent and dependent cells, and fetch the information for displaying on the console.

Code for Excel Formula Tracing Tool using Node.js

var aspose = aspose || {};
aspose.cells = require("aspose.cells");
// Set the license
new aspose.cells.License().setLicense("License.lic");
// Create an Excel file and access the cells collection
var book = new aspose.cells.Workbook();
var cellsColl = book.getWorksheets().get(0).getCells();
// Access target cells and set a formula
var precedentCell = cellsColl.get("A1");
var dependentCell = cellsColl.get("B1");
// Access the precedents from s dependent cell
var precedents = dependentCell.getPrecedents();
// Parse all the precedent areas and display the information
for (var i = 0; i < precedents.getCount(); i++)
var area = precedents.get(i);
console.log("Sheet Name = " + area.getSheetName());
console.log("Start Row/Column = " + area.getStartRow() + "/"+ area.getStartColumn());
console.log("End Row/Column = " + area.getEndRow() + "/"+ area.getEndColumn());
// Parse all the cells collection
var dependents = precedentCell.getDependents(true);
for (var i = 0; i < dependents.length; i++)
var cell = dependents[i];
console.log("Name =" + cell.getName());
console.log("Formula =" + cell.getFormula());
console.log("Row = " + cell.getRow());
console.log("Column =" + cell.getColumn());
console.log("Precedents and Dependents traced successfully");

This code demonstrates how to trace the dependents and Excel precedents using Node.js. The getDependents() method takes the boolean flag to check the formulas in other sheets or not, such as ’true’ is used to check the deponent cells in other sheets. The getPrecedents() method returns the areas of cells that are used by the source cell.

In this topic, we have learned how to track dependent and precedent in Excel using Node.js. To apply conditional formatting, refer to the article on How to apply conditional formatting in Excel using Nodejs.
