This short guide describes how to apply conditional formatting in Excel using Node.js. It has the details to set the development environment for working with the feature, a list of steps to write the application, and a runnable sample code for adding conditional formatting in spreadsheet using Node.js. You will understand the complete process by adding a condition and setting the text style when the condition is True.
Steps to Add Conditional Formatting in Excel using Node.js
- Set the IDE to use Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java to add conditional formatting
- Create a spreadsheet using the Workbook class and access a sheet
- Initiate the ConditionalFormattings object for the selected sheet and access its reference as an object of the class FormatConditionCollection
- Create a cell area where formatting is to be applied and add it to the object of the class FormatConditionCollection
- Add a condition to the FormatConditionCollection and set its background
- Save the resultant workbook with conditional formatting
These steps define the process of adding conditional formatting in Excel based on cell value using Node.js. In this process, add a FormatConditionCollection object to the ConditionalFormattings collection of a sheet followed by adding a cell area using the CellArea class and a condition using the FormatCondition class. Later, customize the style of the condition in the newly added FormatCondition object.
Code to Create Conditional Formatting in Excel using Node.js
var aspose = aspose || {}; | |
aspose.cells = require("aspose.cells"); | |
//Set the license | |
new aspose.cells.License().setLicense("License.lic"); | |
// Create a Workbook for conditional formatting and access its first sheet | |
var spreadsheet = new aspose.cells.Workbook(); | |
var sheet = spreadsheet.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
// Initiate a conditional formatting object | |
var indexCondFormatting = sheet.getConditionalFormattings().add(); | |
var fcs = sheet.getConditionalFormattings().get(indexCondFormatting); | |
// Create a cell range and add to the format conditions collection | |
var cellArea = new aspose.cells.CellArea(); | |
cellArea.StartRow = 0; | |
cellArea.EndRow = 10; | |
cellArea.StartColumn = 0; | |
cellArea.EndColumn = 1; | |
fcs.addArea(cellArea); | |
// Create the first condition and get the reference to it | |
var conditionIndex = fcs.addCondition(aspose.cells.FormatConditionType.CELL_VALUE, aspose.cells.OperatorType.BETWEEN, "25", "100"); | |
var formatCondition = fcs.get(conditionIndex); | |
// Set the desired formatting | |
formatCondition.getStyle().setBackgroundColor(aspose.cells.Color.getRed()); | |
// Save the workbook with a conditional formatting | |"output.xlsx"); | |
console.log("Conditional formatting applied successfully"); |
This sample code applies Excel conditional formatting based on cell value using Node.js. You may add as many conditions as required by using the addCondition() method and setting the desired style for each condition. This method provides various condition types, such as BEGINS_WITH, ABOVE_AVERAGE, COLOR_SCALE, and CONTAINS_BLANKS, to list a few.
This tutorial has guided us to add conditional formatting in MS Excel using Node.js. If you want to apply a filter in Excel, refer to the article on how to apply filter in Excel using Node.js.