How to Merge Cells in Excel using C++

This tutorial is a quick guide to merge cells in Excel using C++. It explains precise and simple steps in addition to a C++ code snippet. Using C++ Excel cell merge operation is performed and then the output file can be saved in XLSX or XLS format.

Steps to Merge Cells in Excel using C++

  1. Add the reference to Aspose.Cells.Cpp in your project using the NuGet Package Manager
  2. Initialize an empty Excel file with the Workbook class object for merging cells
  3. Access the first worksheet and initialize a Cells class instance
  4. Perform the cells merge operation and insert a sample value
  5. Write the output Excel workbook containing the merged cell

You can notice the simple steps which are based on C++, excel merge cells operation can be performed easily with a few API calls. It lets you create a new Excel file from scratch as well as an existing Excel file can also be used as input.

Code to Merge Cells in Excel using C++

#pragma once
#include "Aspose.Cells.h"
class MergeCellsInExcel
public: void MergeCellsInExcelInCPlusCPlus()
// Set the license to avoid watermark in the output Excel file after merging cells
intrusive_ptr<License> MergeCellsInExcelLicense = new License();
MergeCellsInExcelLicense->SetLicense(new String("Aspose.Cells.lic"));
// Create an Excel file
intrusive_ptr<IWorkbook> workbook = Factory::CreateIWorkbook();
// Get access to first worksheet
intrusive_ptr<IWorksheet> worksheet = workbook->GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(0);
// Create a Cells object
intrusive_ptr<ICells> cells = worksheet->GetICells();
// Merge cells
cells->Merge(5, 2, 2, 3);
// Put data in the cell
cells->GetObjectByIndex(5, 2)->PutValue((StringPtr)new String("Sample value"));
// Save the Excel file
workbook->Save(new String("MergeCells.xlsx"));

This code snippet initializes an excel worksheet, and then merge cells function is performed on specific cells by using their index values. Moreover, it also inserts a sample value as a string into the merged cell with the PutValue method. Finally, we can write the output file to a stream or the disk as per the application structure.

In this article, we have explored how to merge cells in Excel using C++ without needing to install the MS Excel application. However, if you want to learn Excel to HTML conversion in C++, refer to the article on how to convert Excel to HTML in C++.
