Extract ZIP File in Java

This tutorial encompasses all the details to extract ZIP file in Java. While covering the algorithm and a sample code, it lets you create a ZIP file opener in Java. Moreover, it also discusses advanced options to work with ZIP file extraction in your system as per your requirements.

Steps to Extract ZIP File in Java

  1. Configure Aspose.ZIP in your system to unzip files
  2. Load the source ZIP archive with the Archive class
  3. Extract all the entries of the ZIP archive using the extractToDirectory method

These steps outline the basic process to create a ZIP file opener in Java. It explains the environment configuration followed by loading the source ZIP archive. Subsequently, it extracts each compressed file into the specified folder to conclude the process.

Code to Unzip Files in Java

The sample code above is a quick demonstration of the feature to unzip files in Java. You can work with different overloads of the Archive class for loading the input file. For example, you can create an object of the ArchiveLoadOptions class and specify the password to load the password-protected ZIP archives. Similarly, you can read compressed or uncompressed sizes, check for folders, etc. while extracting ZIP files based on your requirements.

This quick guide has covered how to embed the Java ZIP opener feature into your applications. To extract the RAR archive, refer to the article on Extract RAR files using Java.
