Merge Cells in Word using Python

This article guides on how to merge cells in Word using Python. It has the resources to set the development environment, a list of programming steps, and a sample code demonstrating how to merge cells in Microsoft Word using Python. You will learn to perform the task using a predefined method for merging the cells in a table.

Steps to Merge Cells in Word Table using Python

  1. Set the environment to use Aspose.Words for Python via .NET to merge table cells
  2. Add the predefined method mergeCells() in your application to combine cells
  3. Load the source Word file with tables into the Document class object for merging cells
  4. Get a reference to the first and last cell in the target table
  5. Call the mergeCells() method with the defined first and last cell
  6. Save the modified Word file with merged cells

These steps summarize how to merge cells in Word using Python. Add the predefined method in the project and load the Word file into the Document class object, access the target section and the table using its index. Get a reference to the first and last cell in the desired range of cells for merging and use the mergeCells() method to merge the range.

Code to Combine Cells in Word using Python

import aspose.words as aw
import aspose.pydrawing as drawing
def mergeCells(startCell: aw.tables.Cell, endCell: aw.tables.Cell):
parentTable = startCell.parent_row.parent_table
# Find the start and end cell position
startCellPos = drawing.Point(startCell.parent_row.index_of(startCell), parentTable.index_of(startCell.parent_row))
endCellPos = drawing.Point(endCell.parent_row.index_of(endCell), parentTable.index_of(endCell.parent_row))
# Create a range of cells
mergeRange = drawing.Rectangle(
min(startCellPos.x, endCellPos.x),
min(startCellPos.y, endCellPos.y),
abs(endCellPos.x - startCellPos.x) + 1,
abs(endCellPos.y - startCellPos.y) + 1)
for row in parentTable.rows:
row = row.as_row()
for cell in row.cells:
cell = cell.as_cell()
currentPos = drawing.Point(row.index_of(cell), parentTable.index_of(row))
# Merge the cell if inside the range
if mergeRange.contains(currentPos):
cell.cell_format.horizontal_merge = aw.tables.CellMerge.FIRST if currentPos.x == mergeRange.x else aw.tables.CellMerge.PREVIOUS
cell.cell_format.vertical_merge = aw.tables.CellMerge.FIRST if currentPos.y == mergeRange.y else aw.tables.CellMerge.PREVIOUS
# Load the license
wordLic = aw.License()
tableDoc = aw.Document("Table.docx")
table = tableDoc.first_section.body.tables[0]
# Define start and end cell for the range
cellStartRange = table.rows[0].cells[0]
cellEndRange = table.rows[1].cells[1]
# Merge cells
mergeCells(cellStartRange, cellEndRange)"output.docx")
print ("Table cells merged successfully")

This sample code demonstrates how to merge tables in Word using Python by combining the cells. Each cell has a horizontal and vertical merge property set to a different CellMerge enumerator value when the range of cells is merged. You can work with the same properties while creating a new table and merging cells horizontally or vertically.

This article covers the process of merging multiple cells in a Word table. If you want to merge complete Word files, refer to the article on how to merge Word documents using Python.
