Create a Column Chart in Word using Python

Follow this article to create a column chart in Word using Python. It has the details to set the IDE, a list of steps, and a sample code showing how to make bar charts in Word using Python. The sample code shares all the necessary classes and methods required for creating and customizing a chart.

Steps to Create a Bar Chart in Word

  1. Set the environment to use Aspose.Words for Python via .NET to add a chart
  2. Create a Word file using the Document class and create a DocumentBuilder object
  3. Call the insert_chart() method using the ChartType COLUMN and size
  4. Access the series collection of the chart and make it empty
  5. Define the categories and add data for each category
  6. Save the Word file with the chart in it

These steps explain how to make a column chart in Word using Python. Create a document with a DocumentBuilder object, create a chart object, access its series collection, and make it empty. Define the collection of data categories and add a data series for each category to fill the chart.

Code for Creating a Bar Graph in Word using Python

import aspose.words as aw
# Load the license
wordLic = aw.License()
doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# Add column chart
shape = builder.insert_chart(aw.drawing.charts.ChartType.COLUMN, 400, 250)
# Access the chart object
chart = shape.chart
# Access the chart series
series = chart.series
# Clear the series
# Create categories
categories = [ "Data Category 1", "Data Category 2" ]
# Add series data
series.add("Albania", categories, [3, 4])
series.add("Andorra", categories, [5, 2])
series.add("Armenia", categories, [3, 7])
series.add("Austria", categories, [2, 3])
series.add("Azerbaijan", categories, [5, 5])"output.docx")
print ("Charts added successfully")

This sample code assists in working with Microsoft Word bar chart using Python. The ChartType enumerator contains a long list of charts that you can create including AREA_STACKED, AREA_3D_PERCENT_STACKED, BAR_3D, DOUGHNUT, PIE, RADAR, STOCK, and HISTOGRAM. The chart series data should be of the same size in the array and should not be empty.

This article taught us how to create a bar graph. If you want to insert bullets in a Word file, refer to the article Insert bullets in Word using Python.
