Convert Word DOC to EPUB using Java

This guide describes how to convert Word DOC to EPUB using Java. It has the details to set the IDE for development, a list of steps, and a sample code to develop a Word document to EPUB converter using Java. You can customize the output EPUB file by setting a variety of properties in the HtmlSaveOptions used while creating an EPUB file.

Steps to Convert DOC to EPUB using Java

  1. Configure the environment to use Aspose.Words for Java to generate EPUB
  2. Load the source Word file into the Document class for transforming DOCX to EPUB
  3. Create the HtmlSaveOptions object to set the output EPUB properties
  4. Set the splitting criteria if you want to create multiple EPUB files
  5. Set the save format
  6. Save the output EPUB file on the disk

The above steps define the process for DOCX to EPUB conversion using Java. Load the source Word document, create an instance of the HtmlSaveOptions object followed by setting the properties such as the splitting criteria and save format. Finally, call the save() method with the given properties to generate the desired EPUB file.

Code to Convert DOCX to EPUB using Java

Use this code for developing a Word DOC to EPUB converter using Java. If you want to create a separate EPUB file for each page in the source Word file, use the PAGE_BREAK option from the DocumentSplitCriteria enumerator and SECTION_BREAK to create a section-wise EPUB file. There are a lot of other save formats available that you can use to generate different types of files.

This tutorial has covered the development of a DOCX to EPUB converter. For removing page breaks, refer to the article on how to eliminate page breaks in Word using Java.
