Convert Paragraph into Bullet Points in Word using Java

Use this topic to convert paragraph into bullet points in Word using Java. It encompasses details to establish the development environment, a list of defined steps to accomplish the task, and an example code to develop a paragraph to bullet points converter for Word using Java. You will learn different approaches while converting multiple paragraphs into bullets in a Word document.

Steps to Convert Paragraph to Bullet Points in Word using Java

  1. Set the environment to use Aspose.Words for Java to transform paragraphs into bullet points
  2. Access the source Word document with a few paragraphs into a Document object
  3. Convert the complete document into a string and split it into strings using String.split() method
  4. Create an output Word file, link it with a DocumentBuilder object, and set bullet text font
  5. Set the text bullet type to square
  6. Iterate through the array of strings created with split, and display each string to the bullet list
  7. Call the removeNumbers() method to clear existing bullets and numbers in the paragraphs
  8. Save the output Word document having all the sentences as bullets

These steps exhibit the development of a paragraph into bullet points converter for Word using Java. At first, the source Word document is converted into a list of sentences using String.split() method followed by the creation of the output Word file and its linking with a DocumentBuilder class object. In the last step, the bullet list is added and filled with all the text from the document paragraphs.

Code to Convert Text to Bullet Points in Word using Java

import com.aspose.words.Document;
import com.aspose.words.DocumentBuilder;
import com.aspose.words.License;
import com.aspose.words.ListTemplate;
import com.aspose.words.SaveFormat;
public class ParagraphToBulletPoints {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {// Remove bullets
String path ="/Users/KnowledgeBase/TestData/";
// Apply Aspose.Words for Java license to insert bullet points
new License().setLicense(path + "Conholdate.Total.Product.Family.lic");
// Access the source Word file using the Document class
Document srcDocx = new Document("Out.docx");
String text = srcDocx.toString(SaveFormat.TEXT);
String pattern = "(?<=[.!?])\\s+";
String[] sentences = text.split(pattern);
Document output = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(output);
for(String sentence : sentences)

This code entails the development process of a paragraph to bullet points converter for Word using Java. The Document.toString() method is used to transform the entire Word file into a string and then use the String.split() method to convert it into multiple strings. The DocumentBuilder class is used for setting a bullet list with square format, font, and writing all the sentences to the bullet list.

This topic describes the process of transforming a Word file into a list of bullet items. To convert bullet points to paragraphs, refer to the article on how to convert bullet points to paragraph in Word File using Java.
