How to Convert Word to Markdown using C++

In this basic tutorial, we will explore how to convert Word to Markdown using C++. You can process the word documents saved in DOCX or DOC format that can comprise of textual or visual file contents. You can convert DOCX to Markdown using C++ on operating systems like Linux or MS Windows with a few API calls.

Steps to Convert Word to Markdown using C++

  1. Configure Aspose.Words.Cpp library with NuGet package Manager in Microsoft Visual Studio
  2. Add the references to the namespaces Aspose::Words and Aspose::Words::Saving
  3. Create an instance of the Document Class to load the source Word file
  4. Instantiate an object of MarkdownSaveOptions class and set different properties
  5. Save the generated markdown file in MD file format

The aforementioned steps explain how to convert Word to Markdown using C++. This process lets you control different configurations of the document conversion like memory optimization, encoding, quality of rendering, etc. You do not need to consider minor details and standards of file formats because the API calls take care of the file system and standards.

Code to Create DOCX to Markdown Converter using C++

In the code snippet above, firstly, we load the source Word document in DOCX or DOC format using an instance of the Document class. Then we proceed to specify different properties to configure the output MD file with MarkdownSaveOptions class. Finally, we write the output markdown file using the Save method. You can easily create Word to Markdown converter using C++ with this code snippet in your applications.

In the last topic, we learned how to Convert Word to HTML using C++. Whereas, here we have explored how to convert DOCX to MD in C++.
