Convert LaTeX to PDF in Python

This brief guide explains how to convert TeX to PDF in Python. It covers the environment configuration settings, stepwise process, and a working sample code to convert LaTeX to PDF in Python. It lets you perform the conversion in any operating system like macOS, Windows, Linux, etc. where Python is configured.

Steps to Convert TeX to PDF in Python

  1. Install Aspose.TeX to export LaTeX files
  2. Initiate the conversion options using the TeXOptions class instance
  3. Create PdfSaveOptions class object
  4. Convert LaTeX to PDF file

The steps above present the conversion workflow process in plain words. First of all, create an instance of the TeXOptions class and set different properties of the PdfSaveOptions class. Next, convert TeX document to PDF in Python to conclude the rendering process.

Code to Create TeX to PDF Converter in Python

import aspose.tex as tex
import os
from aspose.tex import *
from import *
from aspose.tex.presentation.pdf import *
path = "C://"
# Create the stream
with open(os.path.join(path, "any-name.pdf"), "wb") as pdf_stream:
# Create conversion options
options = TeXOptions.console_app_options(TeXConfig.object_latex)
# Set the directory
options.output_working_directory = OutputFileSystemDirectory(path)
# Initialize PdfSaveOptions
options.save_options = PdfSaveOptions()
# Run the TeXJob
TeXJob(os.path.join(path, "hello-world.ltx"), PdfDevice(pdf_stream), options).run()

This code snippet efficiently creates a TeX to PDF converter in Python. The conversion commences by enabling the configuration of the ObjectTeX engine and then setting the output directory where the log file and other information are stored. Moreover, you can further improvise the conversion while customizing several properties exposed by the TeXOptions and the PdfSaveOptions class.

This article has covered the details pertaining to the conversion of a TeX file to PDF in Python. To explore LaTeX to PNG image rendering, read the article on convert LaTeX to PNG in Python.
