Convert MPP to PNG in C#

This brief topic focuses on how to convert MPP to PNG in C# by deliberating the required configuration steps and an example code to execute the task. It includes all the required resources to create an application without any dependence on MS Project software to transform MPP file to PNG using C#.

Steps to Convert MPP to PNG using C#

  1. Set up the environment to install Aspose.Tasks for .NET using the NuGet package manager to export MPP to PNG using C#
  2. Open the source MPP file using an instance of the Project class object to convert MPP file to PNG using C#
  3. Create an instance of the ImageSaveOptions class to set the required PNG file options
  4. Convert the MS Project file to PNG in C# using the Save method

The tasks mentioned above offer an easy way to convert MPP file to PNG using C#" by adhering to a stepwise process and presenting a runnable sample code. The process is commenced by loading the source MPP file from the disk, which is then followed by setting the required PNG file properties using an instance of the ImageSaveOptions class. In the end, the accessed MPP file is exported to a PNG file and saved on the disk.

Code to Convert MS Project to PNG using C#

using Aspose.Tasks;
using Aspose.Tasks.Saving;
using Aspose.Tasks.Visualization;
namespace KbTasks
public class MppToPng
public static void ConvertTasksToPNG()
string FilePath = @"/Users/KnowledgeBase/TestData/";
// Applying product license to convert MPP to PNG image
License TaskPngLic = new License();
TaskPngLic.SetLicense(FilePath + "Conholdate.Total.Product.Family.lic");
// Access the source MPP file from the disk source
Project mppProject = new Project(FilePath + "Input.mpp");
// Set the output Png Options
var pngOptions = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFileFormat.Png);
pngOptions.PixelFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;
pngOptions.PresentationFormat = PresentationFormat.TaskSheet;
pngOptions.PageSize = PageSize.A4;
// Save the output PNG image on the disk
mppProject.Save("image_out.png", pngOptions);

This example demonstrates the procedure to export MPP to PNG using C#. Rather than using the default PNG file being exported, you can customize the output PNG file by using an instance of the ImageSaveOptions class, which offers properties like setting the fit content, resolution, page count, pages, image quality, and pixel format to name a few.

In this example, we have learned to generate an MPP to PNG converter using C#. If you are interested in converting an MPP file to CSV, follow the article on convert MPP to CSV in C#.
