How to Extract Microsoft Project File Metadata using C++

In this topic, we will explore how to extract Microsoft Project file metadata using C++. You will observe how to access the MPP file and its metadata information in C++ using simple API calls with no dependence on MS Project.

Steps to Extract Microsoft Project File Metadata using C++

  1. Install Aspose.Tasks for C++ from NuGet package Manager Tool
  2. Add reference to Aspose::Tasks namespace
  3. Instantiate Project class instance to load the MPP file to extract metadata information
  4. Extract metadata information for different properties using Prj class static methods

You can extract MPP file metadata in C++ by using simple API calls in few lines code. You just need to access the MPP file and iterate through desired metadata properties exposed by Prj class in C++.

Code to Extract Microsoft Project File Metadata using C++

Earlier, we learnt how to extract Microsoft Project file metadata in C#. However, in this topic we have implemented Microsoft Project metadata extractor in C++.
