In this topic, we will explore how to extract Microsoft Project file metadata using C++. You will observe how to access the MPP file and its metadata information in C++ using simple API calls with no dependence on MS Project.
Steps to Extract Microsoft Project File Metadata using C++
- Install Aspose.Tasks for C++ from NuGet package Manager Tool
- Add reference to Aspose::Tasks namespace
- Instantiate Project class instance to load the MPP file to extract metadata information
- Extract metadata information for different properties using Prj class static methods
You can extract MPP file metadata in C++ by using simple API calls in few lines code. You just need to access the MPP file and iterate through desired metadata properties exposed by Prj class in C++.
Code to Extract Microsoft Project File Metadata using C++
Earlier, we learnt how to extract Microsoft Project file metadata in C#. However, in this topic we have implemented Microsoft Project metadata extractor in C++.