How to Hide a Slide in Presentation using Python

This simple article entails how to hide a slide in Presentation using Python. It encompasses the necessarily required configuration steps and a working example code for hiding a PPTX slide in Python. The developed application can be used inside Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems configured with .NET Core and Python.

Steps to Hide a Slide in PPTX in Python

  1. Establish the environment to use Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET in your application to hide the slides
  2. Open the desired presentation using the Presentation class for hiding the slide inside the presentation
  3. Load the 2nd slide inside the presentation slides collection and hide that by setting the Slide.hidden property
  4. Save the presentation having hidden slides in PPTX format on the disk

By adhering to the above mentioned steps in Python hiding a PPTX slide inside the presentation can be achieved using a few lines of easy code. First of all, the source presentation will be loaded using a Presentation class object which is then followed by loading the desired slide or slides from the slides collection. Then by setting the Slide.hidden property to True, the selected slide or slides can be hidden inside the presentation. The modified presentation having a hidden slide or slides will be saved on the disk in PPTX format.

Code to Hide a Slide in Presentation in Python

#import aspose.pydrawing as drawing
import aspose.slides as slides
filepath = "C://Words//"
# Applying the linence for Aspose.Slides to hide a slide
hideSlidesLicense = slides.License()
hideSlidesLicense.set_license(filepath + "Conholdate.Total.Product.Family.lic")
# Acces the source presenatation file from the disk
with slides.Presentation(filepath+"Source.pptx") as sampleSrcPres:
# Access the second slide of the loaded presentation
srcSlideToHide = sampleSrcPres.slides[1]
#Hide the desired slide
srcSlideToHide.hidden = True
# Save the presentation with a hidden slide + "PresentationWithHiddenSlide.pptx", slides.export.SaveFormat.PPTX)
print("Process Completed")

The above code is able to hide a slide in PPTX in Python using a very simple API interface. You may access any number of slides inside the slides collection and will be required to set the hidden property for each slide separately. The API allows you to save the presentation with hidden slides in PPT, PPS, POT, POTX, PPTX or ODP formats either on the disk or inside the memory stream depending on your application usage requirements.

This topic entails how to hide a slide in Presentation in Python. If you are interested in learning about inserting an image inside the PowerPoint table, refer to the article on how to insert Image into PowerPoint Table using Python.
