How to Convert AI to PNG in Java

This simple topic covers, how to convert AI to PNG in Java using a detailed stepwise procedure. This application can be referred to quickly save AI as PNG using Java and can be referred to in any Java configured environments inside macOS, Windows, or Linux.

Steps to Export AI to PNG in Java

  1. Configure the development environment by installing Aspose.PSD for Java from the repository manager to convert the AI file to a PNG image
  2. Instantiate an object of the AiImage class and open the source AI file from the disk
  3. Create an instance of the PngOptions class and set the required output PNG image properties
  4. Convert and save the loaded Adobe Illustrator (AI) file to a PNG image on the disk

In Java Adobe Illustrator to PNG image conversion applications can be easily developed by adhering to the above-mentioned stepwise procedure, where the process will commence by accessing the source Adobe Illustrator (AI) file from the sources like a disk or a memory stream. Then by using an instance of the PngOptions class, desired properties for the output PNG image will be customized. Finally, the loaded Adobe Illustrator (AI) image file will be saved as a PNG image on the disk using the method.

Code to Export AI to PNG in Java

The above demo example exhibits the mechanism of converting Adobe Illustrator to PNG using Java whereby the Image.load() method is utilized to load the source AI image file from the disk. In order to further customize the output PNG, an instance of the PngOptions class is used to set the properties like image resolution, color type, and depth for the output PNG to name a few. Once the desired PNG properties are set, the output PNG image is saved on the disk or inside the MemoryStream.

In this example, we have learnt about the process of converting AI to PNG using Java in a step-wise manner. If you are interested in learning about converting an AI to a PDF file, refer to the article on how to Convert AI to PDF in Java.
