Remove Image From PDF using Python

This article guides how to remove image from PDF using Python. It has the information to set the IDE, a list of steps to develop the application, and a sample code to remove an image from a PDF using Python. You will learn to delete selected or all the photos from a page in the PDF.

Steps to Remove Pic from PDF using Python

  1. Set the environment to use Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET to remove images from a PDF file
  2. Open the PDF file using the Document class having images in it
  3. Access the image collection from the selected page and get its count
  4. Iterate through the image collection and delete each image
  5. Save the output PDF file after deleting all the images

These steps summarize the process to develop an image remover from PDF using Python. Load the PDF file into the Document class object, get the count of all the images on the selected page, and run a loop in reverse direction starting from the last image to the first image in the collection. Call the delete() method for each image and save the final PDF file.

Code to Remove All Images from PDF using Python

This code demonstrates how to remove an image from a PDF using Python. However, you may repeat this process for all or selected pages in the PDF and delete all the images from each page. You may filter pages based on various artifacts on the page, such as watermark, color type, or page info.

This article has taught us how to remove all images from a page in the PDF. If you want to strike text in a PDF file, refer to the article on How to strike out text in Adobe PDF using Python.
