How to Convert PDF to XPS in Python

This simple topic covers how to convert PDF to XPS in Python. It encompasses all the information for setting up the Python environment and the step-by-step guide to fulfill the requirements. In order to convert PDF to XPS Python code is presented that can be further improved to set respective properties as per your requirements.

Steps to Convert PDF to XPS in Python

  1. Configure the environment to use Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET
  2. Open the source PDF using an instance of the Document class for converting it to XPS format
  3. Create an instance of the XpsSaveOptions class object and set different properties
  4. Convert the loaded PDF file to an XPS file using the save method

In order to develop a PDF to XPS converter Python code is given here along with the detailed steps to demonstrate the complete process. The process will commence by loading the source PDF document either from a disk or from a MemoryStream. Then by using an instance of the XpsSaveOptions class, specify the different characteristics for desired XPS file and finally render and save the PDF to an XPS file either in a MemoryStream or as a file on the disk based on your application design.

Code to Convert PDF to XPS in Python

The above example code in Python convert PDF to XPS document without any dependency to install any other tool. Additionally, you can also choose to preserve the transparent text in the output file. The example can also be improvised to convert selected or all the pages inside the PDF to the XPS file format.

In this article, we have learnt how using Python PDF to XPS rendering can be easily performed while explaining several customization properties. If you are interested to learn about converting a presentation to PDF, refer to the article on how to convert a Presentation to PDF using Python.
