How to Add Comments in PDF File using Python

This tutorial guides you on how to add comments in PDF file using Python. It describes the environment details, steps-wise process to write this application, and a runnable reference code to insert comment in PDF using Python. You will get information about all the important properties and attributes that can be set for text annotation to customize the newly added comments.

Steps to Add Comments to PDF using Python

  1. Set the IDE to use Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET to add comments
  2. Create a new PDF file using the Document class and some sample text on the first page of it
  3. Instantiate a TextAnnotation object by providing the rectangular area on the selected page
  4. Set basic properties of the text annotation
  5. Instantiate and set the border of the text annotation
  6. Add the text annotation to the selected page

These steps explain how to add comments to a PDF using Python. First, you need to create a new PDF and add some text on a page or load an existing PDF as per the requirements. In the next steps, a text annotation is to be created that corresponds to a comment and then set its different properties before adding it to the default collection of annotations of the selected page.

Code to Add Notes to PDF using Python

import aspose.pdf as pdf
# Load License
license = pdf.License()
# -------------------------------
# Create a PDF
pdfDocument = pdf.Document()
# Add a page
targetPage = pdfDocument.pages.add()
# Add some text
txtFragment = pdf.text.TextFragment("Sample text added for testing")
# Create and configure the annotation object
annotation = pdf.annotations.TextAnnotation(pdfDocument.pages[1], pdf.Rectangle(220, 420, 420, 620,True))
annotation.title = "Annotation Title"
annotation.subject = "Annotation Subject"
annotation.state = pdf.annotations.AnnotationState.ACCEPTED
annotation.contents = "Annotation Contents" = True
annotation.icon = pdf.annotations.TextIcon.KEY
# Create and set the annotation border
border = pdf.annotations.Border(annotation)
border.width = 0
border.dash = pdf.annotations.Dash(1,1)
annotation.border = border
# Add the annotation
targetPage.annotations.add(annotation, True)
# Save the PDF file"AnnotatedPdf.pdf")
print("Comments added successfully")

This code demonstrates how to add a comment on a PDF using Python. The TextAnnotation object is created and configured by setting the rectangular area where this comment is to be displayed on the page along with setting the other properties like title, subject, state, contents, open flag, and icon to name a few. You can also set the border however to hide the border, its width is set to 0 in this code sample.

This article has taught us how to add text comment in PDF using Python. If you want to learn the process to read bookmarks in PDF files, refer to the article on how to read bookmarks in PDF using Python.
