How to Convert EPS to PNG in C#

This quick tutorial contains detailed steps to convert EPS to PNG in C# including the development environment configuration, list of steps to be performed, and a runnable sample code for testing this feature. You have to load the sample EPS file and then save it as a PNG file with the help of a couple of lines of code. You can convert EPS file to PNG in C# easily by controlling the EPS loading process as well as the PNG rendering operation as a number of options are there that can be set.

Steps to Transform EPS to PNG in C#

  1. Establish the development environment to use Aspose.PDF for .NET from the Nuget package manager to convert EPS to PNG
  2. Load the EPS file using the Document class object
  3. Provide the PsLoadOptions object to customize the above EPS loading operation
  4. Initialize a PngDevice class object that contains methods for rendering images
  5. Convert EPS to PNG using the Process method in the PngDevice class

These steps explore the process to change EPS to PNG in C# by sharing the resources for environment configuration and then providing step-by-step guidance to accomplish the task. All the necessary classes and methods are identified that are required for the conversion like Document class is used to load the EPS file, PsLoadOptions class object is used to customize the load operation and PngDevice class object is used to render the image. The PngDevice class object is used as we have to render the output image to PNG however you may use many other types of devices as well for conversion to other types of images.

Code to Transform EPS to PNG in C#

To convert the source file format “from EPS to PNG in C#” PsLoadOptions class object is used while loading the EPS file that provides options to set fonts folder that is to be used, set the file format and warning handler in case of any error. The PngDevice class object is used to render the image that has constructors to set page size and resolution along with the properties to set coordinate type, form presentation mode, rendering options, etc. The Process method requires the page with one based index i.e. first page of the EPS file is referred to by using index 1 and the second parameter is the file name on the disk or the stream where the output image is to be saved.

This article has taught us to *transform EPS to PNG in C#" however if you want to learn the process to convert an image to PDF, refer to the article on how to convert image to PDF in C#.
