How to Add Audio to PDF using C#

This article describes how to add audio to PDF using C#. It contains detailed steps to configure the environment, a complete set of commands to be executed while writing this application, and a runnable sample code demonstrating the process to embed audio into PDF using C#. You will also learn the placement of an audio symbol at a particular position on the page that has a color provided by the user.

Steps to Insert Audio into PDF using C#

  1. Set the IDE to add Aspose.PDF for .NET to add sound
  2. Load the sample PDF using the Document class where audio is to be added
  3. Get the path to the target sound file
  4. Create a sound annotation for adding it to the target PDF file using the SoundAnnotation class
  5. Add this sound annotation to the target page and save the resultant PDF file on the disk

The aforementioned steps define the process to embed audio file in PDF using C#. The process is started by loading the target PDF file and accessing the target page where the audio file is to be embedded. The SoundAnnotation class contains all the features to accomplish this task that requires a target page, area rectangle where a symbol is to be placed for playing the sound, color, title, and subject to be displayed for this sound.

Code to Add Audio File to PDF using C#

The above sample code demonstrates the process on how to add audio in PDF using C#. The SoundAnnotation class provides a lot of properties that can be set to customize the annotation like setting its appearance, border, creation date, margin, opacity, and states to list a few. Each page has a collection of annotations where you can add any type of annotation like sound, ink annotation, line annotation, movie annotation, and so on.

This article has guided us to add voice to PDF using C#. If you want to learn the process of adding digital signatures to a PDF file, refer to the article on how to add digital signature to PDF in C#.
