How to Process Large PDF Files in Java

This tutorial focuses on how to process large PDF files in Java using advanced streams to prevent high memory issues and restrictions while processing large PDF files using MemoryStream Class. You can load and process huge PDF documents in Java based environments established in Windows, Linux or macOS using simple API calls.

Steps to Process Large PDF Files in Java

  1. Setup the environment to add Aspose.PDF for Java from the repository to process large PDF files
  2. Access the large PDF file bytes from the disk using the Files.readAllBytes method
  3. Instantiate the object of the OptimizedMemoryStream class and copy the byte array inside it
  4. Initialize the Document class object using the InputStream-based constructor to load the PDF
  5. Process or modify PDF document as per your requirements
  6. Save the modified and processed PDF document on the disk

The above steps enable you to use advanced streams to load huge PDF file in Java. The OptimizedMemoryStream class makes it possible to process huge PDF document using memory stream in Java by defining a MemoryStream that has a capacity more than standard which allows you to process huge PDF files with a size larger than 2.5GB.

Code to Process Large PDF Files in Java

import com.aspose.pdf.Document;
import com.aspose.pdf.License;
import com.aspose.pdf.OptimizedMemoryStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class LargePDF {
static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Handle exception while processing large PDF files
String path= "C:/TestData/";
// Instantiate the license to process the large PDF files
License PdfLicense = new License();
// Initialize the OptimizedMemoryStream object in which large size PDF will be stored for loading
OptimizedMemoryStream ms = new OptimizedMemoryStream();
// Access the large PDF in Byte array
Path paths = Paths.get(path + "LargePDF.pdf");
byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(paths);
// Write large PDF byte array to OptimizedMemoryStream
ms.write(data, 0, (int)data.length);
// Use the optimized stream to process large PDF and load it into a Document object
Document doc = new Document(ms);
// Perform the desired operations and save the output PDF document + "LargeSizePDFProcessed.pdf");

While working with MemoryStream to manage large sized PDF documents there are restrictions that cause high memory issues while processing PDF files due to lack of seek-ability. You can consider the solution of using advanced streams to load huge PDF documents in memory stream using Java and save them on the disk after processing is done.

In this example, we have learnt how to load large PDF files in Java using simple API calls. If you want to learn about compressing a PDF file, refer to the topic on how to compress PDF in Java.
