How to Add Watermark to PDF using Java

This precise tutorial explains the information about how to add watermark to PDF using Java. It elaborates how different properties of a watermark can be specified and how using Java PDF Watermark can be inserted into a document. Whereas, we do not need to configure any PDF reader or manipulation application to process PDF documents in the application.

Steps to Add Watermark to PDF using Java

  1. Add the reference to the Aspose.PDF for Java library to integrate the PDF watermark feature
  2. Load the source PDF document using the Document class to insert the watermark
  3. Create formatted text and a watermark object while setting different properties
  4. Add a watermark and save the output file

To add watermark to PDF Java-based environment details and program flow is depicted in these steps. You only need to make a few API calls to achieve the requirements. Moreover, you can tailor the process by setting the watermark text, rotation, opacity, and other properties based on your use cases for adding watermarks.

Code to Add Watermark to PDF using Java

import java.awt.Color;
import com.aspose.pdf.Document;
import com.aspose.pdf.HorizontalAlignment;
import com.aspose.pdf.VerticalAlignment;
import com.aspose.pdf.WatermarkArtifact;
import com.aspose.pdf.facades.EncodingType;
import com.aspose.pdf.facades.FontStyle;
import com.aspose.pdf.facades.FormattedText;
public class AddWatermarkToPdfInJava {
public static void main(String[] args) {//Main function to add watermark to PDF in Java
// Load PDF document
Document doc = new Document("input.pdf");
// Create formatted text
FormattedText formattedText = new FormattedText("Watermark", Color.RED, FontStyle.Courier, EncodingType.Identity_h, true, 40.0F);
// Create a watermark and set properties
WatermarkArtifact artifact = new WatermarkArtifact();
artifact.setRotation (45);
artifact.setOpacity (0.5);
artifact.setBackground (false);
// Add watermark to the page
// Save watermarked PDF document"watermark.pdf");

This code sample is a demonstration of how using Java add watermark to PDF document. It clarifies how to modify the text string, color, or size of the text along with specifying the vertical and horizontal alignment and other properties exposed by the WatermarkArtifact class. You can enhance the code snippet for adding a watermark to all the pages or specific pages of the PDF document with a few changes in the code.

In this article, we have learned to work with the watermarks in PDF documents using Java. However, if you want to take a look at the process of digitally signing the PDF files, please refer to the article containing information about how to add digital signature to PDF in Java.
