Convert Latex to Word in Java

This guide explains how to convert Latex to Word in Java. It covers the IDE configuration, stepwise algorithm, and a running code snippet for Latex to Word conversion in Java. Furthermore, configuring any additional typesetting application is not required to make this feature work.

Steps to Export Latex to Word in Java

  1. Configure the environment to use Aspose.PDF for Java to render Latex files to Word
  2. Initialize an instance of the TeXLoadOptions class
  3. Create an object of the Document class to get the input Latex file
  4. Call the Save method to export the Latex file to Word format

The steps above describe the workflow to convert TEX to Word in Java. It contains all the necessary information to set up the environment to export the Latex files with a few API calls. Simply, load the input Latex file and export it to DOC or DOCX Word document format.

Code to Create TEX to Word Converter in Java

import com.aspose.pdf.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception // TEX to DOCX in Java
// Set the licenses
new License().setLicense("License.lic");
// Instantiate TeXLoadOptions object
com.aspose.pdf.TeXLoadOptions options = new com.aspose.pdf.TeXLoadOptions();
// Load the TEX document
com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document("sample.tex", options);
// Convert TEX to DOCX"TeXToWord.docx", SaveFormat.DocX);

This sample code presents how to export Latex to Word in Java. However, it is just a basic version to demonstrate the conversion, and you may enhance it by setting the job names, specifying the output and input directories, or rasterizing math equations and formulas using the TeXLoadOptions class. Similarly, you can improvise it further to work with streams and byte arrays for writing the output Word document according to your requirements.

This guide has covered how to convert Latex equation to Word in Java. Besides, if you want to learn to convert Latex to PDF format, you may go through how to convert Latex to PDF in Java.
