Convert Handwriting to Text using Python

In this tutorial, you will learn to convert handwriting to text using Python. It has all the details to set the IDE, a list of steps, and a sample code for developing a handwriting to text app using Python. This application will read the handwritten notes from the loaded PNG image and convert them into searchable and editable digital text.

Steps to Convert Handwritten Notes to Text using Python

  1. Install Aspose.OCR for Python via .NET by following the instructions here
  2. Create an instance of the OCR engine using the AsposeOcr class
  3. Initialize an input container for OCR processing with a single image type
  4. Add the image file to be processed for text recognition
  5. Perform handwritten text recognition on the provided image
  6. Get the total number of recognized text segments
  7. Iterate through all recognized text segments and print

These steps describe how to implement handwriting recognition using Python. Instantiate the OCR engine, create the input container for images, set the input image, and perform the handwritten text recognition. Get the total number of recognized text segments and display them on the screen by parsing the output collection.

Code to Turn Handwriting into Text using Python

import aspose.ocr as api # Import the Aspose.OCR module
from aspose.ocr import License # Import the License class from the module
license = License() # Instantiate and apply a license
license.set_license("License.lic") # Load the license file
extractTextFromImage = api.AsposeOcr() # Create OCR engine
imageDatas = api.OcrInput(api.InputType.SINGLE_IMAGE) # Initialize an input container
imageDatas.add("sample2.png")# Add the image file
# Perform handwritten text recognition on the provided image
textExtractedFromImage = extractTextFromImage.recognize_handwritten_text(imageDatas)
length = textExtractedFromImage.length # Get the total number
# Iterate through all recognized text segments
for i in range(length):
# Print each recognized text segment to the console
This sample code demonstrates an app that converts handwriting to text using Python. You can set the InputType to PDF for scanned PDF, DIRECTORY for multiple images, or ZIP, etc. The input image can be GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, or TIFF.

This article has taught us how to change handwritten notes to text using Python. To extract text from a scanned PDF, refer to the article on How to extract text from scanned PDF in C#.
