Merge Photos in Python

This guide covers the details to merge photos in Python. It explains the environment settings, the step-by-step program flow, and a working sample code to create a photo joiner in Python. Furthermore, no additional image-processing applications are needed to embed this feature into your programs.

Steps to Merge Photos in Python

  1. Prepare the system by configuring Aspose.Imaging for Python to merge photos
  2. Create a list of source pictures and calculate the dimensions for the merged picture
  3. Combine the loaded images and define an output source
  4. Set custom properties of the JpegOptions class
  5. Export the output merged image with the JpegImage class object

The steps above summarize the process to combine photos in Python. First, you need to list different images to merge into one picture. Then, calculate the new image dimension and contents before rendering the output image while exporting it to the disk or a stream based on your application design.

Code to Create Image Combiner in Python

import aspose.imaging
import aspose.pycore as aspycore
from aspose.imaging import Image, Rectangle, RasterImage
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import JpegOptions
from aspose.imaging.sources import StreamSource
from aspose.imaging.fileformats.jpeg import JpegImage
from aspose.imaging.extensions import StreamExtensions
import os
import functools
data_dir = "C://SampleFiles//"
license = aspose.imaging.License()
license.set_license(data_dir + "License.lic")
delete_output = 'SAVE_OUTPUT' not in os.environ
#data_dir = templates_folder
image_paths = [os.path.join(data_dir, "grayscaled.jpg"), os.path.join(data_dir, "grayscaled.jpg")]
output_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "mergedresult.jpg")
temp_file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "tempmerge.jpg")
# Getting resulting image size.
image_sizes = []
for image_path in image_paths:
with Image.load(image_path) as image:
new_width = 0
new_height = 0
for size in image_sizes:
new_height += size.height
new_width = max(new_width, size.width)
# Combining images into new one.
with StreamExtensions.create_memory_stream() as memory_stream:
output_stream_source = StreamSource(memory_stream)
with JpegOptions() as options:
options.source = output_stream_source
options.quality = 100
with aspycore.as_of(Image.create(options, new_width, new_height), JpegImage) as new_image:
stitched_height = 0
for image_path in image_paths:
with aspycore.as_of(Image.load(image_path), RasterImage) as image:
bounds = Rectangle(0, stitched_height, image.width, image.height)
new_image.save_argb_32_pixels(bounds, image.load_argb_32_pixels(image.bounds))
stitched_height += image.height

This code snippet is sufficient to create a basic image combiner in Python. It works with various methods exposed by the JpegImage class to generate the output photo and read the dimensions of the input images. Subsequently, it defines a rectangle and renders the generated photo by invoking the Save method. Besides, you can customize the generated image based on your needs by setting the scale factor, RGB color profile, sample rounding mode, etc.

In this article, you have learned image merge in Python. If you want to learn image cropping, refer to the article on crop image in Python.
