Convert Image to Black and White PDF using Python

This brief guide discusses the rendering of an image to black and white PDF using Python. It encompasses the algorithm and the Python JPG to black and white PDF conversion code snippet. This information applies to rendering popular image formats, including BMP, GIF, PNG, and others.

Steps to Convert JPG to Black and White PDF using Python

  1. Set up the development environment by configuring Aspose.Imaging to export images
  2. Load the input image with an object of the Image class
  3. Cast the image to the RasterCachedImage class object and cache it
  4. Binarize the image using a threshold value
  5. Render the output PDF document with the Save method

The steps above outline the process to convert JPG to PDF black and white using Python. First, it loads the source image from the disk and then caches it after casting it to the supported format. Finally, the threshold is defined to binarize the image before exporting it to PDF format.

Code to Export Image to Black and White PDF using Python

This code snippet shows how using Python image to PDF converter black and white format can be developed on your end. It works with the Image class to read the source image, then the pixel data is cached before binarizing the image. Whereas, you can customize the threshold value which means the corresponding grey value of all the pixels is assigned the value of 255 or 0 based on the specified number threshold. Finally, the PdfOptions class object is declared and the output PDF document is exported to the specified path.

This quick tutorial has explained how to convert JPG to black and white PDF using Python. However, if you want to resize images, read the article Resize Image using Python.
