How to Convert PNG to ICON in C#

This topic covers the details on how to convert PNG to ICON in C#. It encompasses all the resources, important classes, methods and a runnable sample code to Convert PNG to ICO in C#. The application can be used in any of .NET supported environments inside Windows, Linux or macOS.

Steps to Convert PNG to ICO in C#

  1. Set up the environment to add Aspose.Imaging using the NuGet package manager
  2. Load the source PNG file using the Image class instance
  3. Set the default options for the ICON image using the IcoOptions class object
  4. Save the resultant image as ICON on the disk

By adhering to the aforementioned steps, you can easily convert a PNG to ICON using C# in a step-by-step approach where first the environment is configured by including the required resources inside the project and then the source PNG is loaded using an instance of the Image class. In the subsequent steps, IcoOptions class object is created to set the output ICON file options. Finally, the converted ICO file will be saved on the disk.

Code to Convert PNG to ICON using C#

using System;
using Aspose.Imaging;
using Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions;
namespace TestImaging
public class PngToIcon
public static void ConvertPngtoIcon()
String path = @"/Users/KnowledgeBase/TestData/";
// Apply the product license to convert PNG to Icon in C#
License PngToIcoLicense = new License();
PngToIcoLicense.SetLicense(path + "Conholdate.Total.Product.Family.lic");
using (var image = Image.Load(path + "multiple_codes.png"))
//Obtain default saving options defined for icon image
ImageOptionsBase exportIcoOptions = new IcoOptions();
image.Save(path + "output.ico", exportIcoOptions);

In the above example, you can easily change PNG to ICON using C# with the help of a very simple API calls. The Image class object also support other types of images and have multiple overloaded functions that you can use to load the images from a stream along with other additional LoadOptions parameter. The LoadOptions object exposes the properties for setting the data recovery mode, progress event handler, data background color and buffer size hint.

This topic has taught us to convert PNG to ICON using C#. If you want to learn about converting a JPG to a black and white PDF, refer to the article on how to convert JPG to Black and White PDF in C#.
