How to Convert OTG to PDF in C#

In this how-to tutorial, we’ll show you how to convert OTG to PDF in C#. Converting OTG to PDF using C# applications can be done in just a few simple and easy steps with the help of Aspose.Imaging for .NET.

Steps for Converting OTG to PDF in C#

  1. Install Aspose.Imaging for .NET NuGet package
  2. Include Aspose.Imaging, Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions and Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Pdf namespaces
  3. Set Aspose license using Aspose.Imaging.License class
  4. Load OTG file using Image.Load method
  5. Set options of PDF file using PdfOptions class
  6. Set PDF metadata information using PdfDocumentInfo class
  7. Save output PDF using Save method and PdfSaveOptions

Note that in steps 5 and 6 above, we’re setting information and properties of the output PDF which will be converted from the input OTG graphics file.

Code to Convert OTG to PDF in C#

Using the above snippet, you can easily create your own OTG to PDF converter in C# code in your .NET projects including Windows desktop, ASP.NET web, or console applications.
