Convert Markdown to Image in Python

This article explains the details to convert Markdown to Image in Python. It contains the algorithm and a working code sample to export Markdown to PNG in Python. It also covers rendering to different image formats like JPG, PNG, and TIFF, as per your requirements.

Steps to Export Markdown to Image in Python

  1. Prepare the environment by setting up the Aspose.HTML library
  2. Create a sample Markdown file
  3. Convert the Markdown file contents to HTML by calling the convert_markdown method
  4. Render the HTML file contents to image format while invoking the convert_html method

These steps summarize to export MD to PNG in Python. As a first step, you need to create a sample Markdown file. Then, convert the Markdown file to HTML format and finally save the rendering result as an image.

Code to Convert MD to PNG in Python

This sample code demonstrates how to convert Markdown to image in Python. However, you can modify the code snippet to read an existing Markdown file as well if you do not want to create a sample Markdown file during the conversion. Similarly, you can render the output image in PNG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, WebP, etc. depending on your requirements.

In this guide, you have learned to export Markdown to JPG in Python. However, if you need to convert Markdown to PDF then read the article on Convert Markdown to PDF in Python.
