Create HTML Table in C#

This guide explains how to create HTML table in C#. It covers the system configurations, a stepwise list, and a code snippet to build HTML table in C#. Moreover, we will discuss different options to customize the HTML table.

Steps to Create HTML Table Builder in C#

  1. Prepare your IDE to work with Aspose.HTML for .NET to convert an HTML to GIF
  2. Initialize an empty HTML document with the HTMLDocument class
  3. Create a table element with the CreateElement() method
  4. Add table styles and insert HTML rows and columns
  5. Add table element to HTML body and write the HTML file with the Save method

The steps above elaborate on the algorithm for developing an HTML table generator in C#. Firstly, create a blank HTML document from scratch and insert some cells and columns. Finally, write the HTML containing the table as a file to the disk or stream according to your requirements.

Code for Creating Table in HTML using C#

Here is the basic version of the code for creating table in HTML using C#. Utilize the HTMLDocument class to initiate an empty HTML document preceded by table style settings like the border width, border style, border color, etc. Next, append multiple rows with the InsertRow and InsertCell method calls. Finally, append the table element to the HTML body before writing the output file.

This article has guided us to create an HTML table builder in C#. To render HTML to GIF format, refer to the article convert HTML to GIF in C#.
