Convert KML to CSV using C#

This guide explains how to convert KML to CSV using C#. It has the details to set the IDE settings, programming steps, and sample code to transform KML to CSV with the option to select desired data from the source KML file. You will learn to save feature attributes and geometry from the source KML to the output CSV file.

Steps to Convert KML File to CSV using C#

  1. Set the environment to use Aspose.GIS for .NET to convert KML to CSV with attributes and geometry
  2. Load the source KML file using the Drivers.Kml.OpenLayer() method
  3. Create a CSV layer by setting its name on the disk using the Drivers.Csv.CreateLayer() method
  4. Add fields to the CSV layer using the FeatureAttribute class
  5. Iterate through all the features in the loaded KML layer
  6. Create a CSV layer using the ConstructFeature() method and set the fields
  7. Access the geometry object from the KML feature and save it in the CSV layer

These steps describe how to transform a KML file to CSV using C#. Load the existing KML file, create a CSV layer, add fields to the CSV layer, parse through all the features in the KML, and construct a new feature for saving in the output CSV against each feature in the source KML layer. Check the type of each geometry object and save the details in the CSV layer.

Code for KML to CSV Converter Software using C#

This code demonstrates how to develop a KML to CSV converter using C#. You should have information about the KML file attributes to fetch the data and save it in the CSV. You can check various geometry types such as CircularString, MultiCurve, MultiPoint, Point, MultiPolygon, etc.

This article has taught us the conversion of KML to CSV. If you want to test the feature, refer to the article on Create KML file using C# for creating the sample KML file.
