Draw Line in Excel using Java

Follow this article to draw line in Excel using Java. It has the details to set the IDE, a list of programming tasks, and a sample code demonstrating how do you draw a line in Excel using Java. You will learn to draw a range of shapes and adjust them to cater to your specific needs.

Steps to Insert Drawing in Excel using Java

  1. Establish the environment to use Aspose.Cells for Java to draw a line
  2. Create or load an Excel file using the Workbook class for drawing
  3. Access the shapes collection in the target sheet where you want to draw shapes
  4. Use the addLine() function to add a line
  5. Save the output Excel file with a line

The above steps describe how to draw a line in Excel using Java. Commence the process by creating an Excel file, accessing the shapes collection from the target sheet, and adding a line using the addLine() method. This method requires the destination cell, offset from the upper-left corner of the cell, and the line size by providing the end-point of the line.

Code to Draw Line in Excel Sheet using Java

import com.aspose.cells.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception // Draw lines using Java
// Set the licenses
new License().setLicense("License.lic");
// Create a workbook
Workbook book = new Workbook();
// Select a sheet
Worksheet worksheet = book.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Draw line
ShapeCollection shapes = worksheet.getShapes();
shapes.addLine(3, 5, 3, 5, 100, 500);
// Save the output
book.save("sample.xlsx", SaveFormat.XLSX);

This sample code demonstrates how to make line diagram in Excel using Java. You may use other methods to draw lines such as addShape with MsoDrawingType.LINE option, and addAutoShape with AutoShapeType.LINE. If you want to draw different shapes, use methods like the addArc() method or use enumerator AutoShapeType with options BALLOON, BENT_ARROW, CUBE, HEPTAGON, and LEFT_ARROW including others.

This article has taught us to draw different shapes in an Excel sheet. To add borders in an Excel file, refer to the article on Add borders in Excel using Java.
