How to Send Email using SMTP in Python

In this step-by-step guide, we share how to send Email using SMTP in Python by providing the detailed steps to establish the environment and use the example code. You can use this application in any Python-supported environment including Windows or Linux and can send an Email with Python using a simple API interface.

Steps to Send Email in Python

  1. Configure the environment to use Aspose.Email for Python via .NET in your application
  2. Import library in your application
  3. Create an Email message by setting subject, body and recipient information using MailMessage class instance
  4. Use the SmtpClient class object to initialize the email client
  5. Use the SmtpClient.send method to forward the email

The above steps guide how to send mail in Python using SMTP whereby the process is commenced by creating an email message using MailMessage class instance to populate the information like sender information, recipient email list, Subject line and the Email body. Then by using an instance of the SmtpClient class, the connection is established with the email server using credentials and the email is sent to desired recipients.

Python Code to Send Email using SMTP

import as ae
# The path to source files directory
filepath = "C://Data//"
# Load the Aspose.Email license in your application
emailLicense = ae.License()
emailLicense.set_license(filepath + "Aspose.Total.lic")
# Generate the email Message and add the recipients
emlMessage = ae.MailMessage()
emlMessage.subject = "This is a test message using Python"
emlMessage.html_body = "<b>This line is in bold </b> while this is normal text. Hello from Aspose.Email"
emlMessage.from_address = """", "Recipient 1"))"", "Recipient 2"))
# Set the SMTP client properties to open the connection
smtpClient = ae.SmtpClient("", 587, "username", "password")
smtpClient.security_options = ae.SecurityOptions.AUTO
# Send the email using the SMTP Client

The above example exhibit that in order to send an email Python-based API exposing simple calls has been used. The MailMessage class also lets you to send an email to a list of recipients and send the same message to the CC email list and the BCC email list as well. During the execution of example, if you intend to send an email via a Gmail account, you may encounter an exception like, “The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated.”. This is because Gmail considers your application less secure and may not allow to sending an email using its SMTP server. In order to resolve the Gmail SMTP issue, you can access the topic about allowing access to less secure apps to send an email.

In the above topic, we have explored how to send a mail using Python and employing an SMTP client. If you are interested in learning about converting a presentation to a Word document, refer to the article on how to convert PowerPoint to Word in Python.
